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Lightbulb with radiating chalk options representing different choices

The Entity Reference Display module allows editors of Drupal sites to select which view mode they would like to display a list of entities as.
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Google Tag Manager (GTM) allows you to track user interactions on your website that aren’t collected by software such as Google Analytics by default. You can configure what is tracked without touching a line of code. In this article we will show you how to track custom user interactions on your website, and then send that data to Google Analytics for later viewing.
A scooter speeding through the street

Client-side performance can be dramatically improved by removing Render-Blocking JavaScript with LABjs. No more waiting and no more spinning-wheel icons for users to see. You can get a user speed experience of a simple site with all advantages of complex functionality-rich site.
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Have you heard about Logstash and always wanted to test it out? This is your perfect chance to start!
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GovCMS ships with workflow capabilities out of the box. This article examines how the quality of published content can be improved as well as the improvements in security which can arise when you have an audited, moderated process.
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The GovCMS platform is designed to help government agencies get online and to address the challenges and opportunities posed by Digital Transformation. This article looks at the new requirements of the DTO and how they apply to GovCMS.