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Client vs Site Builder

Murray and I presented a session at Drupal Camp Sydney 2014 on the Paragraphs module. The presentation had a demo, lecture and a bit of role play. We talked about the benefits of chunking content and how Paragraphs could be used.
Bootstrap logo

At this month's Sydney Drupal Users Group, I did a short presentation about using Bootstrap in Drupal 7. The presentation was broken down into two parts: Bootstrap themes and modules.
Drupal Camp Sydney 2014 logo

It's been a while since the Sydney Drupal community put on a Drupal camp. It's time for that to change.
Privacy and Device Fingerprinting

While reading DevOps news to keep Morpht in-line with the current best practices, I stumbled upon a paper called "FPDetective: Dusting the Web for Fingerprinters", covering a study performed by KU Leuven researches in Belgium. The team put together a web crawler called FPDetective and has crawled the million most popular websites of the Internet, detecting fingerprinting.
Drupal Prague speaker badge

Marji will be presenting his server monitoring talk at the upcoming DrupalCon Prage conference in September. If you are a Drupal developer or sys admin who has ever needed to tune or troubleshoot a server running Drupal you need to check out this talk. Marji will cover the basics of why you need to monitor servers and will address the following areas.
One weird old tip to lose node weight

A lightning talk, presented by Murray Woodman, which examines the entity load times for different objects including nodes, users, field collections and users. Comparisons are made between different caching strategies, including entitycache, as well as the weight added by fields and hooks. Just how heavy are nodes anyway?
Information architecture for site builders

Information architecture for site builders video presentation presented at DrupalCon Sydney 2013. Find out about the horizontal aspects of Drupal, modelling multi typed objects, relationships and tips for building faceted classification.