
Uncovering user needs.

Discovery overview


Ensure that your project has all of the bases covered and is well positioned for subsequent design, define and build phases. Identify the overarching needs of your organisation and the needs of your users to ensure the right solution is delivered. The aim of the Discovery phase is to ensure that the whole team can clearly articulate what success looks like.


A Discovery phase at the inception of the project includes workshops with key stakeholders.  Combined with user research the collated information will uncover what needs to be delivered for the project to be successful. Further, this information will be used to guide and inform the team through the later  project phases including the Design & Build works.


A project roadmap which gives the greatest chance of success for the project, addressing and anticipating user needs.

The discovery process

The discovery process is vital for the success of a project. 

Discovery involves several processes:

  • Identifying the overarching business goals. This will involve key stakeholders and will lead to an understanding of where the current project fits into the strategy and plans of the organisation
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the current state
  • Conducting user research to define personas and understand priority user needs and tasks.
  • Identifying the objectives of the project
  • Documentation of the key deliverables and project requirements



Balloons in a school hallway

Teams can work much more effectively together when taking a holistic view of a project and helping others to achieve their goals.
DATE thumbnail
Case study

Morpht was approached by the Department of Defence to look at overhauling its Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) website. We refocused the design and content around audience needs and pain points.
Respect at Work-hero-header
Case study

Morpht improved the user experience for the Australian Human Rights Commission's site through interest and behaviour-driven personalisation.
Food inspection
Case study

The NSW Food Authority engaged Morpht to redevelop and refresh the design of its website and migrate the content from TRIM WCMS to GovCMS.
Wireframe mapping of a portion of a web page on paper

At Morpht we care about the user experience and adopt a proven UX design process. it all starts from a discovery process in which we chat with clients about their vision and expectations.