Digital transformation

Researching, planning and implementing for the future.

Digital transformation overview


Strategize, plan, design, define and build a demanding project which is crucial for the success of your organisation now and into the future.


Engage an experienced, cross functional team with an understanding of the big picture and an ability to deliver on the technical side, using best of breed tools and techniques.


A platform which is able to serve the various needs of the organisation and deliver value to users in an integrated manner.

Digital transformation

A website forms just one piece of the digital landscape. Any substantial project will need to consider a wide range of digital assets and systems. Organisations need to be able to see the big picture and form a startegy which ensures each piece works in harmony with the others.

The landscape comprises of many pieces:

  • Goals: User and organisation needs and goals
  • Integrations: CRMs, identity providers, single sign on, marketing platforms, recommendation engines, analytics
  • Design: Styleguides, branding, icons, colour palattes
  • Content: Content modelling, information architecture, voice, tone
  • Data: migrations, aggregation, discoverability
  • Logistics: Timelines, budgets, risk
  • Personel: Skills, training, documentation

There is a lot to consider. Success is based on foresight, knowledge, skill and knowhow.

Morpht has worked on a number of large scale Drupal digital transformation projects for the Government and private sectors. Our cross functional team is able to provider deep expertise in the areas where we specialise and breadth of understanding in the other areas. Our senior team is experienced and adapt at working with senior stakeholders, ensuring that organisational goals are met.

For demanding projects we will partner with other speicalists we have a close working relationship with. We work closely with Folk, a user centered design agency with deep experience in user research, content strategy, branding and information architecture. Together we have worked on over 20 projects and combine to form expertise acorss the discover, design, define and build phases of a project. 

Morpht relishes the opportunity to deliver value on demanding projects.

Our work


govCMS logo

The GovCMS platform is designed to help government agencies get online and to address the challenges and opportunities posed by Digital Transformation. This article looks at the new requirements of the DTO and how they apply to GovCMS.

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