Drupal personalisation

The solid foundations provided by Drupal can be taken to the next level with personalisation and customization.


We are passionate believers in user centered design and this means that content should be personalised so that it adapts to the needs and the context of the User. We have built a toolkit to deliver personalisation to users in a number of ways.


Content recommendations can be based on the wisdom of the crowd and the behaviour of the individual. We have integrated with the Recombee recommendation engine to deliver content based on relevancy, popularity and context to the user.


As users move around the site they leave clues as to what they are interested and to which content they may have an affinity with. Morpht has built a personalisation which integrates with the Personified and Smart Content modules to deliver the right content, at the right time to the right user.


Users demand a first class search experience. Morpht has partnered with Sajari, a Sydney based Search startup, to integrate with the search service to offer a next level search experience to users.

Personalizaton FAQs

Content personalisation FAQ

Content personalisation is achieved when the content presented to a user is determined by the context of that user, resulting in a better user experience. Context is determined by things such as browsing history, device, time of day, season, location and the task being carried out. Personalisation typically aims to present the next best step for the user which might include relevant content, promotional offers or a call to action. Personalisation can occur at a variety of touchpoints including mobile, website, application, instore, marketing campaign or advertising.

For the user receiving the personalised content the benefit should be more relevant content which helps them discover what they are looking for or to complete the task they are undertaking. The key is to derive the user's intent at the current point of interaction. Making this process faster and easier will lead to a better user experience and more trust and appreciation for the service provider. For the service provider, improvements in usability should lead to improved conversion rates leading to an improved bottom line.

Content personalisation requires the combination of strategy, technology and delivery. A successful content personalisation strategy will involve research, data collection, data processing, supporting content and the means of delivering that content to the user at the right time and place. Content personalisation is as much a user experience problem as it is a technical one. 

Drupal personalisation FAQ

Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS) with a rich catalog of contributed modules, many of which are able to help with personalising content. Initially personalisation solutions were based around authenticated users. There are many backend modules which allow for integrations with systems such as CRM and marketing tools. As Drupal developed a more decoupled approach solutions evolved for anonymous users, with clientside logic driving the experience.

Drupal provides solid platform for personalising content. Firstly, it is an enterprise grade content management system with 20 years of continuous development and improvement. It is capable of managing and serving the personalised content. Secondly, it ships with RESTful endpoints for serving content in a decoupled was to the frontend of the website, application or instore displays. Thirdly, the contributed module space contains a wide range of modules capable of integrating with third party systems as well as for controlling the logic to display the personalised content.

A personalisation solution relies on strategy, technology and delivery. Drupal helps with the final two, however, a solid strategy is a prerequisite for success. The simplest way to get started with Drupal personalisation is to use modules such as Personified and Smart Content, which are able to take the local state of the user and deliver personalised content through conditional logic or retrieving content from the backend.



Personalisation is a complex and evolving field that requires understanding clients' audiences and goals before implementation. We aim to deliver dynamic and tailored content without compromising user privacy. With your knowledge of your users and their needs and by designing solutions based on personas and user journeys, websites can improve user experiences.

Segmentation groups customers based on interests or behaviours. Recency/Frequency/Monetary segmentation is a trusted method, grouping customers based on how recently they made a purchase, how frequently they purchased, and how much they spent. Paired with personalisation engines, websites can select content for specific customer lifecycle stages.

We are putting out a call to interview marketers or anyone with experience in personalisation to chat with us. You can set up a 30-minute chat at your convenience.
Football field playbook.

A UX playbook for how to implement personalisation into a Drupal considering user research, discovery of user goals and the definition of user pathways and journeys through the site.