
Filter and display geodata.

Drupal maps overview


Display geo data in an accessible way to users, allowing the to search filter and display relevant to location.


Design and implement an underlying data structure capable of supporting the requirements. Implement a dynamic mapping solution allowing users to discover information relevant to them.


A fast dynamic solution allowing users to interact freely to discover information and then drill down into the detail.

Drupal mapping solutions

Mapping is a natural application for the web. It is both data driven and visual and so it opens the way for implementations which are delightful and useful to users.

The Drupal contrib space provides a solid foundation for building a mapping solution:

  • Address field can collect and store data
  • Geo encoding solutions can convert addresses to locations
  • Mapping frontends (Google Maps, Leaflet) can be used to display the data.
  • Backend data services such as JSONAPI can expose the data to the frontend
  • Frontend code (ReactJS) can provide the logic for a dynamic experience.

Morpht has built a number of mapping solutions which uses a recipe similar to the one above. We are able to build decoupled mapping components which allow users to explore and filter locations dynamically. These have been very successful in helping users find services and locations near them which suit their needs.

Recent examples of maps we have produced include:

  • National Map component for GovCMS to integrate data into a National Map.
  • Services search and filtering for a State health department.
  • Organisation lookup for Federal government agency.


TAG case study
Case study

In this case study, find out how Morpht integrated CRM, Google Maps, Customer Portal and Drupal to deliver a seamless user experience for the customer and editor alike.
National Map Embed

NationalMap has been added as a component to the Convivial starter site for GovCMS and GovCMS8.
OpenLayers Custom markers

OpenLayers module is a popular solution for mapping in Drupal. The biggest benefit is the ability to use different map providers, complete Feature support and, last but not least, the simplicity of creating custom markers.