Convivial for GovCMS

Fast track the build of your site with this personalisation-enabled, feature-rich starter site optimised for the GovCMS platform.

Convivial for GovCMS approach

Editor tools icon

Empowering editors

Convivial for GovCMS comprises a suite of editor tools for creating, structuring and classifying content through metadata and taxonomies. It empowers editors to craft rich content and easily create consumable micro-content supported by digital asset management.

Adaptive presentation icon

Adaptive presentation

With a structured content model and a set of common content types at the core, the content owner can create timely chunks of content personalised to the user's journey on a variety of devices and contexts. The presentational layer is built with a mobile-first approach with responsive layouts. 

Personalisation icon


A personalised experience for users will help them achieve their goals and will allow the organisation to communicate more directly and persuasively with them. Convivial makes use of a variety of personalisation techniques to serve individual promotions and calls to action depending on the user's attributes and their stage in a journey. With GovCMS personalisation, there is no need to authenticate users or employ a CDP to manage user data.

Content as a service icon

Content as a service

An omnichannel DXP needs to support content delivery to a variety of devices and platforms. These can include native apps, other websites, in store displays, recommendation engines and email delivery platforms. Convivial for GovCMS makes use of JSON API to serve content in machine understandable formats. This functionality ships out of the box and can be configured by site builders using ‘no-code’ tools.

Optimised for GovCMS

Morpht has developed Convivial for GovCMS as a Drupal starter site that is easy to ramp up and adapt to your business needs.  

It adopts CivicTheme, a theme designed for Australian government agencies, with its components and patterns and extends it with a bigger range of content types and components.

With a component-driven architecture, Convivial for GovCMS reduces the time spent reinventing the wheel and helps you focus on solving your business needs with a site built to modern standards and accessible to a wide range of audiences.  

Visit the demo site

GovCMS logo


AER hero
Case study

AER embarked on a transformation journey, where Morpht rolled outa rigorous approach that encompassed extensive discovery phases, detailed content modelling, and the migration of numerous data sources.
DATE thumbnail
Case study

Morpht was approached by the Department of Defence to look at overhauling its Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) website. We refocused the design and content around audience needs and pain points.
Marji, Dries and Murray at DrupalSouth

Morpht had a great time at DrupalSouth Sydney 2024! As always, it was an amazing event connecting, collaborating and learning with the Drupal community.
IPEA hero image
Case study

Morpht was able to provide IPEA with a new website on the GovCMS SaaS platform, upgraded to Drupal 9 and allow site editors to import all reporting data without the need of external help. The site also has a greatly improved page speed and a new design and interface which maximises the findability of Parliamentarian expense reports.
GovCMS thumbnail

Morpht is looking forward to attending and participating in the Mega Meetup. We’re excited about catching up with clients and friends and getting to talk about why we’ve all been so busy this year. So drop in and say hi!
TGA scientists in lab
Case study

The TGA are now celebrating a brand new site on GovCMS. With a contemporary look and feel underpinned by consistent structures and familiar patterns, this site is now the foundation for the next stage of the digital transformation the TGA is undergoing.
Open folder.

IPEA is a government authority tasked with the management and reporting of parliamentarian expenditure. In this case study we will show how the Migrate and Solr modules were used to solve scalability and performance challenges by providing a user and editor friendly solution.

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