
Solving user and client problems with colour, movement and personality.


Is Design about the expression of your brand with colour, fonts, styles, and movement?

At Morpht, a leading Drupal design agency in Sydney, we solve problems. We think of design as the interplay of different skills sets that take your brand identity and bring it to life by crafting engaging and meaningful experiences.

Design, we believe, is about following a human-centred approach that seeks to understand your different audience groups, their needs and motivations and how you, as a client, aim to meet them those needs with your products and services. 

Our extensive expertise in Information Architecture and User Experience Design are in invaluable in helping you define and plan for and structure website content and functionality to deliver engaging experiences. We focus on extending the usability and utility to drive for meaningful experiences.

Visual design delivers the aesthetics. It brings your site content and functionality to life with an expression of your brand identity, personality, colour palettes, fonts and imagery. Our Drupal designers balance out page elements to craft intuitive layouts to help users derive meaning from their experience.  

Design FAQs

User experience (UX) refers to any interaction you (the user) have with a product or service. UX design considers every element that shapes this interaction, how it makes you feel, and how easy it is for you to accomplish your desired tasks. The goal of UX design is to create not only highly usable interactions with a brand but also relevant, useful and pleasant experiences all round.

That’s a loaded question. To point to good examples of a finished product is to make a value judgement based on visual design. When briefing UX designers, business owners often point to famous brands and ask to emulate their designs. These other brands don’t necessarily share the same target market or user base. So how can they be sure that strategy would work for their business?

At Morpht, we follow a human-centred design approach that also takes into account business vision and priorities to find that middle ground between what the user wants and what the business needs to succeed.

UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) are two interdependent terms. UI generally deals with using commonly recognised patterns to support the interaction between users and computer systems, software and applications. It’s the navigation on a site, the submit button on a form. It’s the refresh button to reload your browser, etc. UX deals generally with a user's overall experience with a brand, product or service by working out a user's primary tasks and prioritising those above all else. It’s about simplifying the interaction, helping users through a journey and getting them to a desired destination.

While some think that UX design is a dying profession, there’s only evidence in the job market pointing in the opposite direction with record job listings. If UX design is dying, what’s it being replaced by? A UX Design role bridges and connects various functions in an organisation. A UX designer, unpacks business strategy, dives into user data, understands user needs and motivations, facilitates the ideation of solutions and then maps out the most efficient, engaging and useful experience for a user. They’re the glue and the compass for a multi-functional team. 


Pages and folders

An examination of the humble "list" and how content can be modelled in Drupal to be flexible, simple and editor friendly.

Morpht is proud to announce a new release of Convivial for GovCMS which includes personalisation and improved content types, architecture and components.
Building blocks being assembled

A review of the fundamentals of designs systems and how they combine with style guides to produce a structure and design for a website.

VantaJS is a sweet little Javascript library which displays dynamic, interactive animated backgrounds. It is a natural fit for an implementation as a Modifier in Drupal.
iMac screens showing website layout designs

Design trends come and go. We can’t help but adopt some of these trends by building solutions on our Drupal starter site Convivial to be ready for your next big site redesign. 

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